Mineral fertilization – CTICS Programme

eRcane has been working closely with the CTICS Agricultural Research team since 2008 on trials to optimize sugarcane fertilization, mainly conducted on growers’ farms in various sugarcane cropping areas on the island.

This theme was chosen based on a CTICS survey of growers in 2005. The research topics have changed over the years to address new expectations of growers and the emergence of new fertilizers.

Various topics have been covered since 2008:

  • lime-based amendments, thus boosting crop yields by 20-30% for bagasse ash and 10-15% for magnesium lime;
  • split fertilizer application, thus boosting crop yields by 8-15%;
  • various types of fertilizer, biostimulants;
  • organic fertilizer, granulated manure from laying hens, methanization digestate sludge.