Who are we?

The eRcane Research Centre has a pivotal role in the sugarcane sector in Réunion while being at the forefront of genetic and technological progress with a view to boosting sugarcane production and ensuring its economic viability and sustainability.
eRcane is structured in two branches :
- the Agronomy branch includes the Plant Breeding department and the Cropping Techniques department
- the Industry branch is focused on the optimisation of sugar processing while developing research on industrial enhancements such as applying the green chemistry concept.
Developing sugarcane resources
Latest news
Successful Mafor spreading demonstration in Saint-Pierre
Une matinée de démonstration du RITA sur l’épandage de plusieurs matières fertilisantes d’origine résiduaire (Mafor) a eu lieu jeudi 22 septembre à Saint-Pierre. Cette matinée organisée par Tereos, le CTICS (Centre Technique Interprofessionnel de la Canne et du Sucre)...